Little Hans' Letter

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I ONCE heard of a little German boy who had come to America to live with his parents.
His father could find no work to do, so doubtless, the poor child was suffering from the lack of the comforts which he would have had if his father had found work. So what do you think the little boy did? He wrote a letter. To whom do you think he wrote it? To Jesus!
Well, I expect you will say, “That was no use, because Jesus is in heaven, and a letter could not reach Him there.”
But Jesus could see it as it was being written; and He could and did send an answer. This is what the dear little boy wrote,
“Dear Jesus:
I have prayed so hard to You, but I guess You could not hear me so far off, so I am going to write You a letter. We came over a big ocean when it was summer time. My mamma has been sick all the time; can You send her something to make her well? And, dear Jesus, please send my father some work to do, so he can buy us some warm clothes, and something to eat. Please answer quick, for we are cold and hungry. Nobody knows I am writing to You. I thought You might send us something for a surprise. Hans Brahm.”
Then he folded the letter, and put it into a little envelope, which, he directed to “JESUS UP IN HEAVEN.” Now, I will tell you how it was answered. In the Post Office at Washington, where this letter was posted, the young lady who was sorting mail, came across this letter, and saw the strange address. She opened the letter and read it, and her eyes filled with tears.
“The child’s faith must not he destroyed,” she thought. That evening she spoke to several of her friends about the matter, and they were all anxious to help her send a box to little Hans. In it were nice warm clothes for them all and toys for Hans, and at the very top, was a $10.00 bill.
As soon as the box was sent off, the lady wrote a letter to Hans, telling him that his letter had been received, and that Jesus had sent one of His servants on earth to help him, and a nice box was on its way to him. Before long, she received a letter of warm thanks from the little boy’s father, and soon after that he wrote again, saying that he had found employment.
Thus you see, Jesus answers the faith of a little child. How good it is to trust Him, is it not? He says,
“Ask, and ye shall receive.” John 16:24.
ML 12/07/1924