Little Hobo

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“Little Hobo” was the name they gave to the lost dog that just would not come off the river ice. The pooch had been wandering aimlessly on the fast-melting ice for more than a week! What the poor dog didn’t know was that it was early spring, and it could soon be trapped on an ice floe or even fall through holes in the ice as more and more of it melted each day.
Not paying attention to helping hands is hard to understand, but you can’t talk common sense to a dog. However, sad to say, people do the same thing and ignore God’s simple plan of salvation. Romans 10:13 says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” It is so simple to call, or to pray, telling the Lord Jesus that you are a sinner and would like to receive the forgiveness for your sins that He offers. He promises, “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more” (Jeremiah 31:34). It is that simple, and there are such great rewards from accepting the Lord Jesus as your very own Saviour. You can read about it in the Bible.
At first, some of the people who had been watching the dog thought they could help this lost creature by calling to it. It didn’t work, and it wasn’t a good idea to go out on the melting ice to try to catch Little Hobo. After more than a week on the ice, you would think the dog would be so hungry that it would gladly take any food anybody offered it. That didn’t work either.
Sadly, it was a full two weeks before Little Hobo was finally rescued! By then the dog was so hungry that it couldn’t resist a trap set with some ham inside.
Someone came forward and claimed the dog was their lost pet that they had had for only two days. The nervous dog seemed to be afraid of people, so they thought that perhaps it had been mistreated sometime in its life. But now it was going to have a happy home where it would be loved and cared for, and its name would no longer be Little Hobo.
And that is just what the Lord Jesus is offering to any sinner who will trust in Him. Your sins will be totally forgiven, and He also promises a happy home in heaven with Him when life here on earth is over.
Common sense says, “Don’t be a Little Hobo and ignore the love and forgiveness the Saviour is freely offering you.”
MEMORY VERSE: “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31:34