Little Joe

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When I was a little child my mother told me that God knew everything that I did, and that He loved me. Thinking that if I could only see Him, I might love Him and learn to please Him, I used to sit alone on the window seat for a long time many an evening, trying so hard to see God’s face.
I was always disappointed; and I used to go down where the other children were playing, rubbing my eyes hard so that no one would ask me why I had been crying.
Because of this I felt especially drawn to a poor idiot whom a kind minister tried to teach about God, and how His blessed Son Jesus Christ came to die instead of us.
Joe liked to come to Sunday school with the other children; he could not learn lessons or read, but he liked to hear them sing hymns.
One Sunday Joe was seen with his fingers made into the shape of eye-glasses, staring through them very hard all over the room and up at the ceiling.
“Joe, my boy! what are you looking for?” he was asked kindly.
“I doesn’t see Him! I doesn’t see Him nowheres!” Joe murmured to himself.
“Who are you looking for, Joe?”
“Him, as you said—God! 1 doesn’t see Him nowheres,”
The minister had told him that God was everywhere, and it was very hard to make him understand that he couldn’t see God, but God could see him. At length he did become satisfied to know that it was enough for God to see him until Jesus should take him up beyond the blue sky; for he was enabled to believe on Jesus and to love Him.
Now, dear young friends, there will be a time when we shall all see the Lord Jesus, for we shall all stand before His judgment seat. We, must decide now whether we shall see Him then as our Saviour and Friend, or as our judge.
If we wish to see Jesus as our Friend then, we must see Him as our Saviour now. Our faith must see Him hanging on the cross for our sins, and then our sins will be forgiven, and we will he saved, because Jesus died instead of us.
“Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Rom. 10:17.
“Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” John 20:29.
“The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Gal. 2:20.