Little John Disobeyed

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
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John’s been hit! John’s been hit!” screamed Aaron.
As the driver picked up our little John off the road and laid him in my arms, John went limp and was very quiet. We drove as quickly as we could to the hospital, with John lying motionless in my arms.
John was only three years old, but that’s old enough to have learned to obey your parents. He had been warned many times to not even go near the road, but he did it just the same. He had disobeyed, and as a result, we were terribly anxious and distressed for our little boy.
The Bible says, “Children, obey your parents” (Ephesians 6:1). Boys and girls, do you obey your parents? All the time? If you are really honest, you’ll have to say, “No.” God tells us that disobeying is sin. That makes every person a sinner, and not just John, because we’ve all disobeyed not only our parents and maybe our teachers, but we’ve also disobeyed God.
We hope you are never hit by a car. However, all of us are in a dangerous situation just the same, if we haven’t come to the Lord Jesus to have our sins forgiven. He is the only One who can forgive our sins so that we can go to live in heaven when our time is up here on earth. God loves sinners so very much that He sent His own beloved Son into the world to save us. Jesus willingly went to Calvary’s cross to bear the punishment for the sins of all who will accept Him as their Saviour. He will give you a new life that likes to obey what God says.
Just as we reached the door of the emergency room of the hospital, John whimpered. How relieved we were to hear that little cry! The hospital doctors took charge of John while we waited in another room and prayed for our little boy.
After a long wait, they finally gave us their report. John had a broken collarbone and a damaged shoulder, and he had to have skin grafted onto one side of his head. For many years, he was able to cover that graft with his hair. But now that he is getting older, that graft is very visible; it reminds him that sin often leaves its mark. Only the precious blood of Jesus can wash our sins away, but sometimes the marks of sin will remain with us until we are in heaven.
“Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1).