Little Lizzie

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Some time ago, I was reading the story of little Lizzie, and I think my young readers will be interested in hearing it too. A man was walking through one of the poorer street of a large city, when he observed a man selling vegetables standing by his barrow, and at the same time giving away picture leaflets to a number of children who were gathered round him.
These leaflets contained gospel stories, and he seemed so fond of the little ones that the man went up to him, and asked the reason of this.
The man told him it was because he owed almost everything to a little girl, his own little daughter, Lizzie. She had attended Sunday school, and there had heard of the love of Jesus, and had found a Friend in Him. Having this happiness herself, she wanted her father and mother to hear the “old, old story.”
It was very difficult for Lizzie to persuade her parents to attend a gospel meeting. Her mother was deaf, and her father made repeated excused about the shabbiness of his clothes. But at last, after Lizzie and her brother and sisters had been pleading with them for a long time, her father went, and was converted.
Perhaps some of you do not know the meaning of this long word. It means there was a great change in the man. He learned he was a sinner; but he learned too, that God had given his Son to die for sinners. And so the poor man believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, got the forgiveness of his sins, and became a happy child of God. From that time he sought to do only what was pleasing to God his Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ his Saviour.
Can you say, The Lord Jesus is my Saviour?
O! I beseech you, come to Jesus, and those who have come, can do as Lizzie did, lead others to Jesus.
“One of the two which heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He, first findeth his own brother, and he, brought him to Jesus,” John 1:40, 41, 42.
ML 08/25/1940