In one of the hand-to-hand encounters which occurred so often during World War I, a soldier of the Allies came face to face in one of the trenches with a German officer. Rushing at each other with sword and bayonet drawn, there could be but one outcome. The German's sword plunged deep into the young lad's thigh, while the bayonet pierced the chest of the opponent. Both men knew they were seriously wounded, and both fell to the ground with little hope of human help. As the tide of battle rolled over them and then receded, they realized that many others had fallen nearby. These also lay weak and helpless, and beyond human aid.
Presently the German officer spoke. "I am sorry I had to do that," he said "How do you feel?”
"Pretty bad," said the young infantry man.
"Anything you want?" asked the officer. He was using the English language, in which he was evidently very much at home.
"Just a drink of water," was the reply; "I am terribly thirsty.”
The officer moved a little, though in evident pain, and fumbling in the region of his belt at length produced a water-bottle. He held it out to the younger man's hand, saying, "Drink this, and live!”
The water was thankfully accepted and drunk. The young soldier was revived and refreshed by the satisfying drink, but he could not but note that death was plainly written upon the face of him who had so freely given it. After another time of silence had passed, the German officer began to move and fumble within his tunic. At last he found what he was searching for— a copy of the Bible in English. With difficulty he turned over the leaves to a certain page. It was stained with his blood, but was still legible. Holding it out as far as he could to his former enemy, he said, "Can you see to read that?”
"Yes," came the answer.
Very carefully the German officer placed his thumb upon a verse which was on that open page, and handing it across, said feebly yet distinctly, "Drink that, and live FOREVER!”
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
These life-giving words were read and received into the heart of the wounded soldier. Soon the young soldier was picked up by the Red Cross, and taken to the hospital. There he bore testimony during his recovery that life everlasting was his.
But what of the enemy— the German officer who had proved to be a true friend and a real Christian? By the time the Red Cross men came he was beyond human aid. But how can one doubt that he was with the Savior whom he loved, and who had died for him on Calvary's cross?
What an all-sufficient text that was! The words of Scripture which the German officer indicated are still life-giving in view of eternity. Perhaps they are words well-known to you, my reader. Yet has their meaning been FULLY appreciated and valued? They deserve to be written in letters of gold, for the life-blood of the Son of God was shed in order that they might be written and received into the hearts of men: "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE." John 3:16.
No word of ours can add to nor take from this God-given verse. There is but one thing to do: just drink— drink in faith—and LIVE FOREVER!
Friend, have you partaken of that life-giving stream? Are you washed in His precious blood? If so, you can sing with the ransomed host:
"I came to Jesus, and I drank
Of that life-giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived,
And now I live in Him.”