Living Water.

Why not of that living fountain, John 7:37.
Flowing from the heart of God,
Should the thirsty sinner tasting
Drink, and leave sin’s heavy load? Isaiah 53:6.
Rise, poor heart! The fountain’s open, Revelation 21:6.
Christ hath died upon the tree,
All the powers of hell are shaken,
Grace flows down from God to thee.
God Himself the Source, the Fountain, John 4:10.
Christ the Way the waters flow,
By the Spirit down from heaven,
To the thirsty heart below. John 4:14.
Now’s the time, the time accepted, 2 Corinthians 6:2.
Now to thee God’s light hath shone, 2 Corinthians 4:4-6.
Christ God’s love hath manifested, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
He the finished work hath done.
By one righteousness completed, Romans 5:18.
Adam’s life receives its doom; Romans 6:6.
Jesus Christ, in glory seated, Romans 5:17,18.
Everlasting life hath won. Romans 5:21.
Rise, poor heart! The river’s flowing, Revelation 21:6.
Haste! delay not! yet there’s room; Luke 14:22-23.
Hear the Word of God beseeching,
“Whosoever thirsts may come.” Revelation 22:17
A. P. C.