One day as we drove along a country road, we saw a sign pointing out a great dam that had been built many years ago. The gate was open, and although there was a sign that said, we saw a car parked inside the gate and a small truck farther on, so we drove in to see this great structure. We intended to stay only a few minutes.
As we were looking at this huge dam and the lake above it, we saw the truck pull out and drive off. This reminded us that we too should be on our way, and soon we were heading back the way we came in.
To our surprise and dismay, the gate was now closed and securely locked! There was no getting out that way. We looked around and saw a rough, unpaved road that went off in the opposite direction. We had no choice but to follow it. We saw that it led down to a narrow wooden bridge and on to a fairly busy road. We continued on and crossed the wooden bridge only to find another gate. It was also securely locked! However, there was a house nearby, and we assumed that someone there must have a key, so we went to ask.
Imagine our surprise when the man looked at us, looked at our car on the bridge, and said, “How ever did you get there? I have never seen a car on that bridge before.” Then he added, “Sorry, but I don’t have a key to the gate. That is government property.”
What were we to do? We were locked in, and the afternoon was passing quickly. Was there no help for us?
Then the man had an idea. He made a few phone calls and finally talked to another man in a small town several miles away. That kind man agreed to come and let us out. He eventually arrived, unlocked the big padlock, swung open the gate and we were free to leave!
First, we were guilty of trespassing, and then we were trapped and could not help ourselves. This is exactly our condition as sinners. We are all guilty of sin of one type or another, and we are trapped in our sins and can do nothing to help ourselves. We need someone to come set us free.
Jesus is the only One who can meet us where we are and set us free from our sins. We had to admit to the man at the house what we had done before he could help us. And we must admit to God that we are sinners and need a Saviour to take away our sins. The man at the house called someone with a key to open the gate. And God sent His Son Jesus to open the way for us. He is the only one who can set us free from our sins. “He [Jesus] is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25). “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
This little story is written to help you see that we have all sinned and need a Saviour to come to our aid and set us free. Have you been set free?