"Look . . . Be Ye Saved"

AS the tide was nearly full, the waves were dashing and splashing against the sloping, sea-weed covered wall which kept back the angry waters. Enjoying the fresh breeze and view of the dancing billows, we chatted one to another until suddenly the sight of a drowning boy called for speedy activities. Never shall I forget his look as we drew near. He was being thrown up by the waves towards the sea wall and then drawn back as the waves receded. Too far gone to cry he could only gaze anxiously, earnestly, and steadfastly upon us. That longing look spoke to our hearts. It said, “Save me, or I perish!” And at once we determined to save him if it were possible.
Happily we were able to effect the rescue without much difficulty, and in a minute or so he was safe by our side.
The boy was utterly unable to save himself—a little longer in the water and he would have been drowned. We were only just in time, and glad indeed we were that we were able to save him.
Now the Lord says to us,
“Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:22.
We all need to be saved, and He invites us to look to Him for salvation. It was a joy to us to be able to deliver the terrified boy. And God lets us know that He rejoices, and heaven rejoices when a sinner is delivered.
“There is joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:7.
ML 06/13/1937