Look on the Fields

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
NOON-DAY heat is great even in England on a summer’s day, but in Palestine and in eastern countries it is intense, and labor ceases there during the height of the sun. The laborers are resting in the shade of the olives, from the branch of one of which you can see the skin water bottle hanging. The field is white to harvest, and the reaping has begun. “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields,” said the Lord, “for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35); and if you have observed ripe barley you can understand the meaning of white to harvest. Wheat is yellow or brown to harvest.
“Look on the fields;” look on the number of little boys and girls who have never heard of Jesus! Look on the countries where the heathen dwell—on the lands crowded with Mohammedans—on the lands filled with so-called Christians— “Look on the fields.” Yes, look till your eyes fill with tears of sorrow.
Children who love the Lord can do something for Him. I saw several very small children in the fields at work during harvest. One little girl brought a laborer a drink of water; she could do no more, but she did what she could. A little lad was picking up a few dropped ears of corn; he was not like a strong man, able to handle the sickle, or to cast up a sheaf on to the cart, but he did what he could.
It is when all work together that work prospers. “Look on the fields,” look on the needy and perishing, young and old must long to help. And when the Lord gives longings He will give strength also. It was Jesus who said, “Look on the fields.” He had just been telling one poor woman of God, His Father, and of Himself, the living water. It was hot noon-day when He thus spoke to her, and the joy of so speaking was to Him “bread to eat.” He was very tired, but when He began to speak to the poor woman He became refreshed. So will all find it who love the Lord and follow Him.
“Look on the fields.” Is there not a little boy or girl whom you can help? One to whom you may take the cup of cold water, or here and there a stray ear of corn which you may gather up for Jesus?
So many are like the laborers in our picture, resting because the day is hot, weary or at ease.