Look Up

 •  1 min. read
One upward look, my God, to Thee,
When weary of the strife;
When tempted, downcast, sore to be
About the straits of life;
One upward look, I turn to Thee,
And peace steals o'er my soul,
Calm reigns, as Thy blest face I see,
My care on Thee I roll.
A calm that's understood by none
Save those who know Thy love;
It fills with rest the heart of one
Who sees Thee there above,
Upon the throne of grace, so free
To all who would draw near
To find their sorrow met by Thee -
Thy love that casts out fear.
Lord, I would ever be so nigh
That I might quickly see
The blessed guidance of Thine eye,
That look that's turned on me:
It may be one of sympathy,
Or tender, loving care;
For all that now distresses me
Is known by Thee up there.
I joy to meet that look of love,
It cheers my fainting soul,
It lifts me up the storm above,
It draws me towards the goal.
To me Thou dost Thy strength impart
To tread the desert road,
With lighter steps and thankful heart
For all the grace of God.