Looking Unto Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 13
Looking upwards to the glory
There my Lord I see,
All redemption’s toil completed,
Sitting there for me.
There by faith I now behold Him
Seated on the throne,
And in Him I am accepted,
He and I are one.
All the Father’s love is flowing
Through Him unto me,
And His love, it passeth knowledge,
Boundless, full, and free.
O, how sweet that love I’m tasting
While on earth I roam,
As my feet are pressing onward
To the Father’s home.
Though ‘tis through a barren desert
‘Tis not drear to me,
For His Spirit cheers me onward
Till Himself I see,
Showeth all the wondrous beauty
Of the Lord I love,
And unfolds the hidden treasures
In Himself above.
So my heart is taken captive,
And I want to be
Living only for His glory
Who has so loved me.
As the moments pass, I’m watching
For Himself to come;
With what joy He’ll introduce me
To the Father’s home.
O, the blest anticipation!
When the journey’s o’er,
Sharing alike with Jesus
While my cup runs o’er.
Then, unhindered occupation
Everlasting praise!
Like and with Himself forever
Through eternal days.