Lord Jesus, Come!

“For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry. — Heb. 10:37.
WITH longing hearts we cry
Lord Jesus, come!
O tarry not, but take
Thy pilgrims home.
The conflict rageth sore!
Struggling, we cry the more,
Lord Jesus, come!
Thou hear’st the cry ascend,
O Lord, how long?
All echo one note now,
All raise one song.
Yet still thy steps delay,
Though the church cries each day,
Lord Jesus, come!
We long and pant to meet
For perfect grace,
He whom our hearts do love―
To see His face.
This longing, Lord, is thine;
But love, strong and divine,
Still keeps thee back.
For there is work to do
Before thou come.
Souls of thy death to tell
Of their long home!
For them thou still doss wait,
E’en now thou’rt at the gate,
Yet stay in love.
Impart to us this love!
So teach us, Lord,
That we may wait thy time,
And speak thy word.
So that the watchman’s cry
As it ascends on high,
May plead for souls.
In love we now would say,
Lord, bring souls in!
O tarry till they’re saved
From death and sin;
And then, when all are thine,
Who’ll hear the call divine,
Sweet Jesus, come!
A. C. C.