Lost Eddie

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The little fellow left home in company with a group of companions to look for a traveling circus coming along from the next town, and was last seen in the vicinity of a bridge. Night came, and Eddie was not to be found. We started off to seek him, and after walking for miles and asking at every house, we heard that a lost boy had been found by the wayside crying, and taken to a farmhouse further along. There Eddie was found, seated by the warm fireside, and. quite happy. He could tell his name and where he lived, but was unable to find his way home.
Very like the sinner, away from God, lost, and unable to ‘find the way back. But if you are willing to own your na.me to be “Sinner,” then it was for you that Jesus died (Rom. 5:6). He came to seek and to save the “lost” (Luke 19:10). When we took Eddie home there was great joy, as there is in heaven over every sinner saved,
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” I Timothy 1:15.
ML 10/20/1940