Lost in Sight of Port

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
At daybreak on the 22nd of February, 1901, the magnificent steamer, Rio de Janeiro, struck on the hidden rocks while entering Golden Gate, the channel leading into San Francisco harbor. She had been riding at anchor outside the Gate for more than twenty-four hours until the dense fog should clear sufficiently for the captain to steam ahead. Now the way seemed open and the great vessel was making port.
Suddenly the fog again rolled in around her, and more dense than before. Doubtless the captain was anxious to land so that his passengers might join their friends and relatives in the day's celebration of Washington's birthday. But he had miscalculated. In the thickening fog he lost his bearings and that living cargo of immortal souls was driven by the flow tide, upon the submerged rocks. In a moment the mighty vessel was engulfed in the icy jaws of death. Of over two hundred souls aboard only twenty survived.
What a picture this is of a more dire moral shipwreck in which myriads of souls have been engulfed! Like the Rio, many have succeeded in crossing the tempestuous sea only to be lost in sight of port.
Every soul is like a ship at sea—some drifting aimlessly, some in despair, but some heading surely for port. If you, my dear reader, are unsaved, you may navigate the tide of this life peacefully, but you cannot pass the narrows and enter harbor without Christ. What will it avail you to have brought your ship, laden with treasures, over many a league of ocean if you cannot make port at last?
"What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Matt. 16:26.
On the ill-fated Rio was a lad whose aged father had traveled many a weary mile to greet him in port; but instead of a father's greeting the son was embraced by the arms of death. Have you, my friend, a loving mother, a kind father, awaiting you in port? Perhaps you have; but there is another One waiting there whose love you shall never know unless you take Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, for your pilot. If you are not trusting in Him you will surely strike the rocks and meet eternal destruction.
In sailing down the beautiful St. Lawrence River, for years one had to navigate the angry waters of the Lachine Rapids. Just before entering these rapids the steamer would take on a skilled pilot, one who had "shot the rapids" many a time and knew every rock in the river. In his hands the ship was safe. This experienced pilot stood on the bridge and scanned his well-known chart. He had sailed those troubled waters and knew the reefs upon which many a ship had been stranded.
Sinner! You need such a pilot. Jesus Christ is that pilot. He alone can bring your ship to the desired haven. Will you have Him for your pilot?
He's watching! He sees you storm tossed. His Holy Spirit urges you to receive that pilot.
"Come," saith the Savior, "come enter the gate, I've watched by the portals both early and late, Lest some precious soul, Not far from the goal, Should wander away into darkness and hate, And miss it forever, the pearly gate.”