One night years ago Mother and Dad came home in the car and told John and Bonnie that we were moving to the country. Both the children were happy about moving to a new house.
At last moving day came. A big van came to pick up all their furniture and belongings. Then Dad, Mother, John and Bonnie got into the car. They took a last look at the old house and away they went out into the country.
After a long drive they finally came to their new home. Then, after seeing every room in the house, John said, “Let’s go out and see what’s down the road.”
There were no more houses, but after a long walk, they came to a woods. John was fond of birds and hunting from tree to tree they saw lots of birds they had never seen.
Suddenly they found it was getting dark, and Bonnie told John they had better be getting home. But even as they walked through the woods, it got darker and darker.
“I think we are lost,” cried John. “I wish we had never come.”
Bonnie was afraid too. They couldn’t see a light anywhere, and they could never find their way home alone now. John was afraid of bears, and started to cry. The more he cried, the louder Bonnie shouted for mother. Now it was so dark they couldn’t see anything, so they just sat down and cried.
Then suddenly they heard someone far away calling, “John! Bonnie!” It was Dad. Both children shouted tether at the top of their voices, “Dad! DAD!”
Soon they were in Daddy’s arms, and hugging each other. O how happy they were to be found.
And that, dear boys and girls, is just the experience of one who first finds he is lost in his sins, in the darkness of this world. Perhaps he does not realize he is lost at first, but the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd, came to seek and to save His lost one. He waits to hear that cry of repentance, “Lord, save me!” and immediately those arms of love will be around His child. And, oh, how happy it is to be carried home in those loving arms, for He will never let you go.
“The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”