I met her in a country road, crying bitterly. Poor child, she had missed the way leading to her companion’s home, where she was to have spent the day, and a big black dog had chased her a long way. I took her by the hand, and led her to the gate of the pretty cottage where Lily met her schoolmate. How glad and thankful she was to be found and led to the right path.
You are like Katie, lost and far from the way to heaven. If you know it as she did, you must be unhappy. Do you want to be brought back to the way and reach the house of “many mansions,” where saved friends and companions are? Then come along. Jesus says
“I am the door: by Me if any man enter, he shall be saved” John 10:9. He also says, “I am the way” John 14:6. Are you one of His?
ML 01/29/1939