Lost Nannie

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Lost, a little girl with fair hair and blue eyes, any information will he thankfully received by the town crier.” This was the announcement, and the bellman passed from street to street, tolling his bell and crying the same story, with a great crowd of boys and girls after him.
How sad, I thought, that a pretty little girl should be lost! How anxious her parents will be about her! I hope she has not gone near the rocks and fallen over! I sat down to rest on the grass, and after a few minutes, I niced a child coming along all alone, crying bitterly, “Mamma, mamma, come to Nannie.”
“Fair hair and blue eyes,” were the words of the bellman, and the sight of the child brought them fresh to my mind. There she stood, sure enough.
“Come with me, my dear,” I said, taking her by the hand, “I will lead you safely home,” and little Nannie put her plump little hand in mine without a moment’s hesitation, and I led her to her mother, who welcomed her with tears and kisses, and hugged her to her, bosom.
Like little Nannie, you, are lost, my little reader, lost in sin, wandering away from God and heaven. But He has sent One to seek and save you, even His own Son, the Lord Jesus. If you will put your trust in Him, as Nannie put her hand in mine. He will save you and lead you to God and heaven. You do not require to cry, or wait until He comes, for He has come forth aeady to seek and save you. Even now His voice is heard in loving tones, speaking to you, and this is what it says,
“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
Dear young reader, have you come to Jesus, and has He saved and brought you home to God? If not, will you trust Him now, just this very day?
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord.” Jeremiah 17:7.
ML 10/01/1944