Lost on the Ski Slopes

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 5min
One day, four friends and their moms went skiing. As they drove to the ski lodge, some of the young friends were nervous. They had heard about skiers hitting trees, and they had seen fast skiers doing tricks as they flew down the mountainside.
What if I get going too fast and lose control? thought Robert.
What if we get lost in all of those trees? thought Emily.
Finally they reached the lodge and forgot about all of their worries, as they changed into their ski clothes. Next they walked downstairs to pick up their skis, ski poles, and ski boots. Before long the skiers were ready to go! They snapped on their skis and headed to the ski lift that would take them up the mountain. Peggy and Joe sat on one bench, Robert and Emily sat on another, and the moms sat together on the third bench. It was a beautiful ride up to the top of the lift.
Maybe you are like these four friends. You are enjoying your life. It is busy and exciting, and there are lots of interesting things to do and see. Once in a while there are things that worry you, but it’s easy to push those thoughts aside and get back to the fun stuff.
“Giddy Up” was the name of the trail the friends decided to start out on. With all of the little hills and bumps, they decided it was a good name for the hill! Not too fast, but plenty exciting.
The hours flew by, and the four friends grew more comfortable with each downhill run. The nervousness they had felt at the beginning of the day was long forgotten. Everyone was having a great time. Once again, they got off the lift near “Giddy Up” and decided to try skiing down a trail that went through the trees.
Sometimes our lives go along at an easy pace, and we get to feeling nothing can stop us. We are like these friends who were looking out for a new adventure, not satisfied with the paths they had gotten used to. We forget that what our hearts really need is to be filled with the love of God. “The Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought” (Isaiah 58:11).
Suddenly Emily saw that it was getting dark! She asked Peggy what time it was.
“It’s 4:00,” she replied.
“It’s time to get going home!” cried Emily. “The resort is about to close! We better hurry down the mountain!”
As Emily looked around, she saw that there were trees everywhere. It would not be easy to hurry. “Where can we go?” she exclaimed. If only her mom were there with her, she wouldn’t be so afraid! Joe and Robert were far ahead of Emily and Peggy, so they didn’t know the girls were lost.
The two girls carefully picked their way through the trees as darkness settled in. Everything was quiet and still, and only once did they see another skier farther away on another trail. It was easy for Emily to imagine being lost and trapped in the woods all night, shivering in the cold. But Peggy led the way, certain they would eventually end up at the bottom of the mountain. Thankfully both girls knew the Lord Jesus as their very own Saviour and Friend. They remembered that He was right there in the dark woods with them, and they silently prayed for His help to lead them out in time.
Even if we know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, we can make poor decisions that lead us down a dangerous path. It is important to remember that He is still with us, waiting for us to call out to Him for help. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
Finally they saw a glimmer of light! The girls made it through the last section of evergreen trees, and then they saw the resort! There were Joe and Robert, and there were their moms! What a relief to see familiar faces and the warm light of the ski lodge.
Emily and Peggy collapsed onto the snow, laughing and crying at the same time. They thanked the Lord Jesus for watching over them. It was good to feel safe again! “Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe” (Psalm 119:117).
MEMORY VERSE: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15