Lot and a Wicked City

Listen from:
Genesis 19:1-17 Luke 17:28, 29
Lot lived with his uncle, Abram, and had many sheep and cattle. After a time there was not room for all, so Abram told Lot to choose where he would like to go. Lot looked about and chose a plain near a city, called Sodom. The land was pleasant, but the people in the city did very wickedly. Yet Lot made friends with them and went to live in their city.
Once there was war, and Lot and his family were taken captives and carried away. Abram heard of his trouble, and, with his servants, went and saved Lot and all he had and brought them back. Still Lot stayed among the wicked people. At last all became so sinful, both old and young, that the Lord said the city must be destroyed. He sent two angels to tell Lot to leave. Lot then tried to warn the people of the danger, and for them not to act so wickedly, but they would not listen to him. In the morning the angels hurried Lot, his wife, and two daughters out of the city; told them to flee to the mountains and not to look back. Lot’s wife looked back, and a strange thing happened. She became a pillar of salt, left on the plain, while the others went on God sent fire from heaven upon Sodom and all in it died. They had not been sorry for their evil ways.
“The Lord..... is long-suffering..... not willing that any should perish, but that all should conic to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9.
ML 07/19/1936