“But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.” John 14:31.
“As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you.” John 15:9.
We trace Thy lowly pathway, Lord,
We hear Thy gracious voice,
It tells of Thy devotedness;
Thou didst rejoice
In every thought, and deed, and word,
Thy perfect love to show,
Unto Thy Father, God above,
To us below.
‘Twas love to Him led Thee to rise,
O’er Kedron’s brook to go,
That, in Gethsemane’s dark shades
The cup of woe
Filled with God’s judgment to the brim,
Which was the sinner’s due,
Might there be placed in Thy pure hands,
“Holy and true.”
‘Twas love to us, led Thee to take
That cup of anguish deep,
When Thy disciples, failing quite,
Were fast asleep.
Love to Thy Father and to us
Led Thee up Calv’ry’s hill,
There, on the cross, to drink that draft,
God’s holy will.
Servant divine, devoted One,
‘Twas Thy delight to show
Perfect obedience e’en to death,
While here below.
Because, through God’s eternity
Thou wouldst not be alone,
Thou didst descend into the grave,
To save Thine own.
Nor has Thy blessed service ceased,
Though now Thou art on high,
Although Thy precious blood once shed,
Has made us nigh;
Seated above, our Advocate,
Our Intercessor there,
It is Thy joy our cause to plead,
To serve us here.
And hast Thou not our hearts assured,
That Thou wilt shortly come?
That we Thy blessed face may see,
And dwell at home.
Then Thou in matchless grace hast said
That Thou wilt spread the feast,
And every loved and ransomed one
Shall be Thy guest.