Love Your Enemies

DEAR soldiers, you who have Testaments, open them at Matthew 5 and read verse 44 and 45; there you will see what your blessed Saviour said: “Love your enemies.” In the Times and other papers we read occasionally now how beautifully some of our dear soldiers have carried out Christ’s injunction. One I heard of was leading a German prisoner, and seeing he was fainting with hunger, he gave him his own rations and went without himself. Another heard a wounded German crying out for water; he handed him his flask. The German, in grateful thanks, said: “We are all one.” And in the Times of May 29th I read how a corporal in the Royal North Lancashires gave his life for his enemy at Vimy Ridge. “One of our chaps was so upset by the cries of a wounded German that he crawled out on hands and knees to help the lad to come in. He got to him and started back. Both were hit by machine gun, and later we found them both dead, holding each other’s arms. The act made a great impression on our Hun prisoners, and several of them asked to be present when we laid them in the same grave.” Do let each one of us remember that our blessed Lord died for us (each one), His enemies. He loved us so that He allowed Himself to be put to death, to be crucified, that our souls might be saved.
Emily P. Leakey