The second of the two attributes of God. God is said once to be light, 1 John 1:5; and twice to be love, 1 John 4:8-16. Christ on earth, being the fullness of the Godhead, possessed both these attributes, only with their characters modified in relation to the world where they shine. Thus love in the midst of need becomes grave, while light in the midst of darkness and error is necessarily truth, both of which carne into this world by Christ alone. No part of that sublime prayer in John 17 is more wonderful than those words, which tell us that this love rests on us, as it rested on Christ. We must never separate these two attributes of God. Light without love in God is inconceivable, and simply annihilates us; in us, however, it leads to coldness and hardness. Love without light in God is equally impossible, in us it leads to laxity and carelessness.