Prayer is the expression of dependence. Under the law the disciples were not taught to pray. In the New Testament we are often exhorted to pray to the Lord, not only for ourselves, but for others as well. We can rest assured that our prayers will be heard at any time of the day or night. Within our comfortable circumstances we may forget the needs of others, but God never does. We are told, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
If Satan were to fight against his own wicked kingdom, would he not be brought to desolation? Surely so! And yet some were saying that the Lord cast out wicked spirits through the power of Beelzebub, their chief. Unbelief is contrary to sound reason and is the opposite of faith. Why did the queen of the south come to Jerusalem to hear the wisdom of Solomon? Because she had faith in what she heard about Solomon. But the Lord Jesus, who is greater than Solomon, was rejected by this evil generation.
Much of the world’s religion is for the outside and looks good to man. However, the Lord also looks on the inside and can see when the inward part is full of wickedness. Only the blood of the Lord Jesus can cleanse the inside from every sin.
Many times God sent prophets and apostles to warn men. Instead of listening to their message, they were despised and put to death. May we learn from their bad example to fear God and trust in His great salvation today!
1. What answer did his friend give from ____________ his house?
Luke 11:___
2. A kingdom divided against itself is brought to ____________ . What will happen to a house divided against itself? Luke 11:___
3. Why did the queen of the ____________ come from the utmost parts of the earth? Luke 11:___
4. Although the Pharisees were cleaning the ____________ , what does the Lord say about their inward part? Luke 11:___
5. How were the prophets and ____________ that God sent being treated?
Luke 11:___