Made for God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
How strange it is that the things for which men make their greatest play—the bounties of this life—so quickly lose their glitter, their enchantment. Yet it is really no mystery. Man was made for God! There is no real fulfillment short of a harmonious relationship with his Creator. And in those rare instances where spirituality and material abundance combine, the wealth is always used to promote things that outlast the transitory.
You may own the most expensive automobile ever made, but it would be worthless in the ocean, for it was not made to sail the seas. On the highway it is a dream, on the ocean a nightmare! Why? Because it is out of its element in water.
So with man. He was not created for this world alone, but for an eternity with God. Out of that relationship he is worthless.