Maggie's Three Texts

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“WELL, Maggie, how does the matter of your eternal salvation stand between yourself and God?”
“Well, sir, there is no matter between us now; it is all settled.”
“All settled! Who has settled the matter, Maggie?”
“Why, sir, God and the Lord Jesus settled it between them.”
“Do you really think the matter is settled?”
“I don’t think; I am sure it is settled, for He said on the cross, ‘It is finished’ (John 19:30). He died under the judgment of God for my sins. He took the judgment for me. ‘He loved me and gave Himself for me.’ It was plain to me at least. It was these three blessed texts— ‘Sins put away; sins forgiven’ (Acts 13:38); and ‘remembered no more’ (Heb. 10:17).
ML 08/21/1927