It was not yet time for the train to leave, and among the waiting passengers a man walked back and forth in the long depot, holding his little daughter's hand. A commotion near the door attracted general attention, and several officers brought into the room a handcuffed prisoner.
It soon became known that he was a notorious criminal who had been sentenced to the state prison for twenty years. The little child looked at him with wonder and horror. Then, as she saw the settled, sullen gloom of his countenance, a tender pity grew on her sweet face until, dropping her father's hand, she went over to the prisoner, and, lifting her eyes to his face, she spoke a few low words.
He glared fiercely at her and she ran back half afraid to her father's hand. But a moment after, she was at his side again pressing nearer than before in her self-forgetfulness, and this time the prisoner dropped his defiant eyes as he listened, and a slight tremor passed over his hard face. Then her father called, and the little one went slowly away, looking back pityingly. The train came presently, and the prisoner went quietly on board, and during the journey he gave the officers no trouble.
Upon their arrival at the prison his conduct was most excellent, and continued to be so, and it was observed that he spent his time in studying in the Bible. Finally someone asked him how it came about that he brought with him such a reputation for willfulness, since he had proved himself so quiet and well-behaved.
"Well, I'll tell you," he said. "It was when I was waiting in the depot, before I came here. A little girl was there with her father. She wasn't much more than a baby, and she had long, shiny hair falling over her shoulders, and great big blue eyes; somehow I couldn't help looking at her.
"By and by she let go of her father's hand and came over to me, and said, 'Man, I am sorry for you,' and you wouldn't believe it, but there were tears in her eyes! Something appeared to give way inside of me then, but I was proud and wouldn't show it; I just scowled at her blacker than ever.
"The poor dear looked kind of scared like and ran off to her father, but in a minute she was back again; she came right up to me and she said, 'Man, Jesus Christ is sorry for you.' Oh, that clean broke my heart. Nobody' d spoken to me like that since my good, old mother died, years and years ago. I'd hard work to keep the tears back, and all the way down here I was just thinking of Mother, and a great many things she used to teach me, when I was no bigger than that blessed baby for I'd a good bringing up, though more's the shame to me.
"Well, the whole of it is, I made up my mind I would never rest till I found my mother's God, and," he exclaimed, while the tears ran down his face, "oh, He's saved me He's saved mel"
How true are the words of that little girl, "Man, Jesus Christ is sorry for you." He proved how deep was the pity and love of His heart for us poor, wretched sinners, by coming down from heavenly bliss to sorrow and shame here below. He came from the throne to the cross, and there upon that cross He suffered the wrath and judgment of God for us. "Christ died for our sins." 1 Cor. 15:3.
Friend, as you read these words, can you say in simple faith, "Christ died for me?" Death is our due as sinners, for we read in Rom. 6:23, "The wages of sin is death." But the Savior in love and wondrous grace suffered the bitterness of death and judgment for all who will accept Him and now there is nothing but the sweetness of His love left for the one who trusts in Him.
Oh, what a Savior He is to die for us who were His bitter enemies by nature. "The carnal mind is enmity against God." Rom. 8:7. "When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son." Rom. 5:10.
Does not your heart yield and break before such love? Will you take this Savior as your own, now? Joy and peace will then be yours.