“When He maketh inquisition for blood, He remembreth them: He forgetteth not the cry of the humble”—Psalms 9:12.
COUNTLESS multitudes of His faithful witnesses have been martyred by the relentless religio-world system which is to be headed up in Babylon the Great. Untold myriads have stained the earth with their blood and have been taken home to be with Christ after having been branded as dangerous heretics by those who arrogated to themselves the title of Christ’s representatives. But not one of these has been forgotten by God. When “that great city Babylon” shall be thrown down to rise no more, in her will be found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth. Divine retribution will be meted out to all who have had any part in the persecution and oppression of God’s children to whom His truth was more precious than life itself. The Greeks used to say that the mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind exceedingly small. Surely in a truer sense may this be said of the government of our God. Nothing can impede the progress of His royal chariot. Blessed are they who do and die for His sake!
“I have borne scorn and hatred,
I have borne wrong and shame,
Earth’s proud ones have reproached me
For Christ’s thrice-blessed name—
Where God’s seal sets the fairest
They’ve stamped their foulest brand,
But Judgment shines like noonday
In Immanuel’s land.”
—Mrs. A. R. Cousins.