March 31

Psalm 41:3
“The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: Thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness” ―Psalms 41:3.
SICKNESS is one of the many consequences of sin. Believers’ bodies are as subject to illnesses as those of the unsaved, because we are still waiting for the redemption of the body (Rom. 8:23), which we shall receive at our Lord’s return (Phil. 3:20, 21). But we are encouraged to pray for physical health (James 5:16), and when granted, whether with or without means such as medicines, and so forth, we should recognize all as coming from God Himself.
When tempted to think that God has forgotten and that we have very little to praise Him for, let us consider how sinful and disobedient we have often been and how patiently He has borne with us. As we reflect on these things, we will have a new conception of His love and grace.
“Oft have I sat in secret sighs
To feel my flesh decay;
Then groaned aloud, with frightened eyes
To view the tottering clay.
But I forbid my sorrows now.
Nor dares my flesh complain;
Diseases bring their profit too—
The joy o’ercomes the pain.”
—Isaac Watts.