We now come to the darkest page of man’s history. What an awful thing it was for man, the creature, to reject and then crucify his Creator!
Pilate could find no evil in the Lord Jesus, because He was perfect. Although they accused Him of many things, the Lord was silent and did not try to defend Himself. Pilate knew that the chief priests had delivered Him for envy. He should have released Jesus and had Barabbas put to death. Satan was moving all against Christ, both Jews and Gentiles.
Having mocked the Son of God, they led Him away to Golgotha (Calvary) and crucified Him. Why did they do this? Could they accuse Him of doing many evil things? Could they not find even one thing to write against Him? Evidently not. The only thing written over the cross was His title, “The King of the Jews.” Some people stood there; some passed by and spoke against Him. They said many things, mocking the silent sufferer. Do you think that if Christ had come down from the cross, they would have believed on Him? Read John 12:1,10.
What strange things the people witnessed that day! At noon it became dark, there was a violent earthquake, graves were opened, and the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom.
The centurion had seen many men die, but never like this Man. He said, “Truly this man was the Son of God.” Do you believe that, my dear friend? He certainly is the Son of God who became a man so that He could die for you and me. All those who receive Him as their Savior will have their sins forgiven, because “the blood of Jesus Christ ... cleanseth us from all sin.”
1. When the chief priests accused the Lord Jesus of many things, what did He answer? __________ Mark 15:___
2. The multitude desired Pilate to release __________ unto them, a man who was in prison for murder. Mark 15:___
3. What accusation against the Lord Jesus was written over the cross? __________ Mark 15:___
4. The chief priests said, “He saved others”; this was true. What else did they add, mocking Christ, that was not true? __________ Mark 15:___
5. The centurion, a Gentile captain over 100 soldiers, gave his testimony as he watched the Lord Jesus die. What did he say? __________ Mark 15:___