How compassionate a man the Lord Jesus was! Unlike ourselves, He was always thinking of others. The great multitude that followed them had come from afar and were now hungry. When the disciples asked how it was possible for anyone to feed so many people in a wilderness place, it appears that they had already forgotten about the feeding of the five thousand.
If we have much food or little food, we should always give thanks when we sit down to eat. When the Lord multiplied all this food, it was a great sign, or miracle, but it did not change the hearts of the Pharisees as to who the Lord was - they seek for a sign, or miracle, from heaven. Everything that the Lord did was a sign from heaven!
The town of Bethsaida, where so many works had been done (Matthew 11:21), is not where the blind man was going to be healed. At first, he looked up and saw “men as trees, walking.” (Often we see men to be bigger than they are.) When the Lord touched him again, he saw clearly.
The Lord told His disciples exactly what would befall Him beforehand, but when it actually came to pass, they had forgotten or were very surprised. Much unbelief was in their hearts, as in ours, for they were clearly told that three days after being killed, He would rise again.
Many wanted to follow the Lord, but discipleship would cost something. It was a price that few would be willing to pay. Whoever would follow or come after Him would have to deny himself, take up his cross and follow the Lord. May we be given grace to be true disciples (followers) of the Lord.
1. After the Lord commanded the people to sit ____________ and before He broke the seven loaves, what did He do? Mark 8:___
2. The Lord Jesus had just performed a great miracle in feeding four thousand people. What did the Pharisees ____________ of Him from heaven, tempting Him? Mark 8:___
3. When the Lord Jesus asked the blind man if he saw anything, what was his reply when he ____________ up? Mark 8:___
4. After the Son of Man suffers and is killed, what remarkable thing would He do after ____________ days? Mark 8:___
5. The Lord said that “whosoever will ____________ after me” would have to do three things. What are they? Mark 8:___