Marking the Forest Path

A YOUNG native was guiding some travelers to a village in the forests of Central Africa, to which there was no road, only a path, little used, and overhung with vines and shrubs. Other paths also crossed it and there were many turns to avoid a jungle, or stream, which sometimes had to be crossed on a fallen tree.
The guide was one of a race of dwarfs, Who loved the woods, knew the paths. well, and went forward quickly.
The servants carrying the luggage, were soon quite far behind, so the men feared they would miss the way, as, although natives, were from another district. One of the men who knew the language of the guide asked about them. His answer was that they would know the right path by the leaves he had been dropping, and which he had agreed on with the servants.
The men had seen him often pick and drop a few leaves, but had not thought of the reason. He did this at every turn and doubtful place until the village was in sight.
The marking by the leaves proved successful, as in the thick woods the wind could not blow them away. And the servants arrived safely about two hours after the travelers.
One of the men who was a Christian said,
“Those leaves are like God’s promises which mark the way to heaven.” Do you know some of those leaves of promise?
“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
There are many more such plain, true words. And boys and girls who in their hearts love the Saviour, can tell these promises, or carry them written or printed, and use them to mark the way for those who do not know Him.
ML 11/28/1937