Mary's Apple Seed

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A LITTLE girl got an apple seed in her windpipe, and as it could not be removed, it was decided that the doctor must come and take it out.
Mary was much frightened when they told her the doctor was coming that afternoon. She commenced to cry,
“O Mamma! don’t let him cut me! O Mamma! I can’t bear it!”
Her mother feeling very sorry to hear her, said,
“Mary, do you not know that Jesus carries our sorrows? He tells us to call upon Him when we are in trouble, and He will deliver us. If you ask Him to help you to bear the pain, He will give you strength, and it will not hurt so much.”
Mary went into the parlor alone to pray, and in a few minutes she came out smiling with the apple seed in her hand.
“Mamma, I thought Jesus could help me get out the apple seed just as well as to help me bear the pain. So I asked Him to help me get it up, and then I coughed, and it came up just as easy.”
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psa. 50:15.
“The Lord is good, a strong bold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7.
ML 05/07/1933