Mary's Conversion

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I DO not like meetings; I hate the Sunday School, and I’m not going’ to learn any more texts or verses.”
The words were uttered in anger, and Mary, although only a child of seven years, turned away her head and manifested an opposition to the gospel which astonished her Christian mother. Calmly but firmly the mother said, “Then my little girl chooses to be a Christ-rejecter and to perish in her sins, does she”?
There was no answer, and Mary’s mother left her alone with God, inwardly praying that He would convict and save her wayward child. Half an hour later, Mary crept into the room, her eyes red with weeping, and said, “Mother, I am a sinner, and would like to be saved.”
This was good news indeed, and Mary’s mother took the Word of God, and read to her how Christ died for sinners, and lives in heaven to save all Who believe on Him. That night Mary was saved, and still lives to prove her conversion real.
That manifestation of opposition to God, showed her how wicked she was, and how she needed to be saved. She probably thought that because she was the child of Christian parents, her heart was not so black, her nature not so sinful, as children of the world. But that outburst of passion, that manifested hatred of God’s Word showed her what was in her heart, and proved to her that she needed to be born again before she could either see or enter God’s kingdom.
Have you learned this first great lesson? You need to learn it before you see your need of Christ, or prove the gospel’s power to save.
“The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Rom. 8:7.
“But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.” Eph. 2:13.
They Are Precious to the Lord
Jesus loved the little children,
Gently took them by the hand,
As they stood with upturned faces,
In that far-off Eastern land.
Still the Saviour loves the children,
For He died that they might live.
Blest eternal life He gives them,
If they trust Him and believe.
Howe’er young and weak and tender,
They are precious to the Lord.
He will cherish, guide, and strengthen
All who love to hear His Word.
Jesus loves the little children,
Still is bidding them to come;
He will keep them all their journey
Till they reach His glorious Home.