“Thou, O Lord, remained forever; Thy throne from generation to generation”— Lamentations 5:19.
WHAT confidence it gives to realize that we are linked up eternally with Him who remains forever, whose throne is unmoved by all that goes on down here on earth and abides from generation to generation. There can be no thwarting of His counsels, which from of old are faithfulness and truth. Everything He has promised He will perform; no word of His shall be void of power. It is blessed indeed to realize that He who is from everlasting to everlasting has taken us into relationship with Himself, having given us life eternal and thus made Himself responsible to see us through all the various vicissitudes of life and to give us a place in the Father’s house for all eternity.
“Great God! How infinite art Thou!
What worthless worms are we!
Let the whole race of creature, bow,
And pay their plaice to Thee.
Thy throne eternal ages stood,
Ere seas or stars were made:
Thou art the ever-living God,
Were all the nations dead.
Eternity, with all its yearn,
Stands present in Thy view;
To Thee there’s nothing old appears―
Great God, there’s nothing new!”
—Isaac Watts.