I will be thy king. Hosea 13:10
OS 13:10{He knows our need of a King. He knows the hopeless anarchy, not only of the world, but of a heart without a king. Is there a more desolate cry than, "We have no king"?—none to reverence and love, none to obey, none to guide and protect us and rule over us, none to keep us in that truest freedom of wholehearted loyalty? Have we not felt that we really want a strong hand over our hearts? That having our own way is not so good as another way if only that other is one to whom our hearty and entire confidence and allegiance can be and are given? Has there not been an echo in our souls of the old cry, "Give me a king"?—a cry nothing can still but this divine promise, "I will be thy King!" But the promise has been given; and now, if the old, desolate wail of a kingless heart comes up in an hour of faithless forgetfulness, His word comes like a royal clarion, "Now, why dost thou cry out aloud? Is there no king in thee?" And then the King's gracious assurance falls with hushing power, "I will be thy King.”
"He is thy Lord!" Oh, I am glad of this,
So glad that Thou art Master, Sovereign, King!
Only I want Thy rule to be supreme
And absolute; no lurking rebel thought,
No traitor in disguise to pass its bounds.
So glad because it is such rest to know
That Thou halt ordered and appointed all,
And wilt yet order and appoint my lot.