A DEAR little fellow, of ten, was brought to me very ill. He was unconscious for many days and nights, but in his delirium, he would speak so much about the Lord’s things. Several times, when he came to himself, he asked me if he might turn over on his knees in bed to pray. When I told him that he was too ill, he looked sadly at me, and asked if he might have his Bible. I answered that he could not hold it; then he said, “May I have my hymn book?” His mind soon wandered again, and he thought he had his Bible, and was turning over the leaves, and he said the gospels were hard to understand. Then he rambled on, saying that God had promised to give Abraham a son, and that he kept His word and gave it to him. As the dear child was gazing upwards, he said, “If I had gone through there I should have gone straight to glory.” It was a lovely sight to see this little boy’s happy state during his severe sufferings. God has graciously restored him to health, and, doubtless, to live for His glory on the earth. F. T.