Have you ever thought much of the exercise of meditation, and how frequently it is spoken of in Scripture?
Perhaps it may be from the want of this holy exercise, and really comprehending it, that the Church of the living God is wanting in unity of doctrine, and in spirituality of mind.
The study of God's Word may be concentrated, deep, constant, like searching for a vein of gold; and memory may marvelously retain and bring forth what study has discovered. But meditation is not the discovery of more or of new things, but a calm sitting down with God to enrich itself with what study has discovered, and feeding with Him upon the stores which memory has laid up.
Study and memory make the ready and admired speaker; meditation, the sweet, living exhibition of Jesus everywhere, whether speaking or silent (Josh. 1:8; Psalm 104:34; 119:15). The former hunts for something new; the latter finds renewed life, strength, and refreshment from the old, which are never old to meditation. Truths from an infinite, all-wise God—they have in them more than the best meditative faculty has ever or can ever exhaust.
May the Lord unfold to us some of His own rich stores! They are very deep! But we are only at the surface of them, They are our "inheritance"; it "shall be forever."