Michika's Prayer

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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“Father, won’t you go to Sunday school with Mother and me?” pleaded Michika, a little Japanese girl.
“No,” her father replied.
Many times Michika had asked him to go with her, but he had always refused. Still his little daughter prayed every day, “Dear Lord Jesus, please send Father to Sunday school. I want him to hear about Thee. I want him to trust in Thee and become a Christian.”
So Michika and her mother went alone to the gospel meeting. They sang the hymns that Michika loved so much. They listened as the Bible was read and heard the preacher speak about the Lord and His great salvation. Then they all knelt down to pray. Silently Michika again asked Jesus to send her father to hear the gospel.
When Michika and her mother got off their knees, Michika saw someone coming in the door. It looked like her father! She looked closely — yes, it was her father!
He smiled and sat down beside them. There were tears in Mother’s eyes — tears of joy.
Father listened closely while the speaker read from the Scriptures: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Then the speaker said, “God loves everyone. He wants everyone to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and have everlasting life.” Michika thought, “God loves Father too.”
There were tears in Father’s eyes as he listened to the message of love. When the service was over he said he would like to talk with the speaker. “I want to know how to become a Christian,” he told him. With joy the evangelist told him he could be saved by believing in the Lord Jesus who died to put his sins away. Not long after Father confessed Him as his Saviour. Michika’s joy knew no bounds. God had honored her faith.
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.