A short extract from one, in a far-off land, I had not heard from for two years, and who God in His mercy has followed. I am looking up to the God of all grace and mercy for that precious soul.
“I went out fishing on the river to spend the night. A boat containing a young man and two boys anchored alongside. The young man and I began to talk about farming; one thing led to another, and I began to tell... of my home far away and my Dad, and how I’d left them. Well, that young man started telling me the story of the prodigal son, and he told me it was a great thing to come to the One ‘mighty to save,’ and be prepared for this world or that to be. I was surprised... as out here you oftener meet men the other way about. Well, he asked me if I’d come to that Fountain of Life yet. I told him how hopelessly lost in sin I was, and all the black past, and how I’d like to have some of that great faith of his, and he said it was ‘free to all.’ I told him how black, and hopeless I felt... and he held out hope for even such as I.”
This may be read by someone also treading the downward road, and you feel how dark and dreary it is. How glad I was to be able to answer from God’s own precious word that “God so loved” and that God’s beloved Son saves “to the uttermost” all that come unto God by Him. Sins as “scarlet,” yet “they shall be white as snow.”
What a wonderful. Saviour! A. A. L.