A little girl named Beth was very sad because her younger brother was sick, and her family could not pay for an operation to make him well again.
Beth had saved some money of her own in a jelly jar, and she counted the money over and over again. She had $11.11. Off she went to a close-by drug store with her jelly jar of money.
Standing at the drug store counter, Beth waited and waited and tried her best to get the attention of the pharmacist, but he just didn’t come. Finally, she dropped a coin on the counter to make a loud noise to get his attention. It worked, and the pharmacist came over to the counter, but he was a little annoyed with Beth.
“Little girl, my brother has come to visit me and I am busy talking to him,” the druggist said. “I haven’t seen him for a long time,” he added in an irritated voice.
“But, mister,” Beth said, “my brother is going to die, and I came to buy a miracle. The doctor said only a miracle could save him.”
“We don’t sell miracles, little girl,” the pharmacist said.
Some of you boys and girls may have had very serious illnesses that you recovered from, but there is a disease called “sin” that brings death, and every one of us has this deadly disease! The Bible says, “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). But have you heard about the miracle that God offers to every sinner for the deadly disease of sin? You can’t buy His miracle to remove your sin, because it is free! “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye...without money and without price” (Isaiah 55:1).
Beth was trying very hard to get help for her little brother, and she was willing to pay for the help. “I have the money here with me,” she said to the pharmacist and emptied out her jar of coins on the counter. “My little brother has something in his head that is going to make him die,” she pleaded.
Overhearing the conversation, the pharmacist’s brother came over to the counter, and he began to ask Beth some questions. He explained to her that he was a special kind of doctor that could possibly help her little brother. And then he asked, “Where do you live? Will you take me to your house so I can see your little brother?”
This doctor, who was a neurosurgeon, was able to help Beth’s little brother, and an operation saved his life. It seemed to the family that it really was a miracle that saved the little boy’s life when it had looked so hopeless. They knew that the Lord Jesus was able to bring about miracles, and they thanked Him for it. Little Beth was so thankful for what the doctor had done for her little brother that she gave him the $11.11 from her jar.
But what about your deadly disease of sin? There is nothing that you can buy to remove your sins, and there is no doctor that can operate to heal you from your sins. But there is the miracle that God offers you “without money and without price.” It is the blood of the Lord Jesus that can remove every one of your sins. The Bible tells us, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son [cleanses] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). The cost has already been paid by Him, and it is offered to you completely free! “Ye know that ye were not redeemed [saved from your sins] with . . . silver and gold . . . but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
Have you come to the Lord Jesus to receive the miracle cleansing He offers for your sins? You can’t buy it, but you can accept it with a thankful heart.
MEMORY VERSE: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7