Modern Technology Advances: Learning War

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The greatest research the world has ever known is now being carried on for the purpose of warfare. There is nothing so important to science and industry today as preparation for war—offensive and defensive—on a gigantic scale. During the last decade man has developed more deadly implements of war than in centuries of the past. The development of the atomic bomb was one of the outstanding achievements, and from it we learn something of the mammoth job of research and manufacture. It required billions of dollars and an organization the size of the entire automotive industry to produce the first bomb.
From the days of bows and arrows, battering rams, walled cities, and iron suits, down through the days of the development of gun powder and cannon balls, men have sought to learn the art of warfare; but not until the stress that led to the last world war has what Scripture speaks of as learning war been such a dread reality. And it is not going to be dropped, for the nations of the world fear not to be in the forefront of the armaments race. Russia has acquired materials and technological skill from Germany and is known to be using them and the best of German inventive ability to catch up, if not to actually lead, in the international race. From the human standpoint this leaves the rest of the world no alternative save to spend more billions and use more man-power to retain the lead. The days spoken of by Joel, "Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears:" are still to come. Shortage of iron and steel will again cause nations to melt up their implements of peaceful pursuits in order to make war.
And yet with all the inventions such as the atomic bomb, chemical and bacterial warfare, it will not, as some suppose and others suggest, do away with armies and navies. The very passage in Joel, which brings us down to the coming of the Lord to execute judgment personally, speaks of "multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision." And at a slightly later date Russia and her satellites will come with great armies, to be destroyed on the mountains of Israel; so great will be the destruction of the armies of the northern powers that it will take seven months to bury the dead. (Ezek. 38 and 39.) Let none be deceived that armies will not be used. God will use that very means to gather the nations together in the vicinity of Palestine to execute vengeance when the Son of man comes as the Warrior-King.
How comforting to read the following words: "He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Mic. 4:3.