Moose the Fire Chief

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 5min
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In a small town in Ontario, Canada, the chief of the volunteer fire department had a nickname. They called him “Moose.” If you had known Moose or had seen him, you would understand why he was called by this name. He was six and a half feet tall, he had huge shoulders and he was very strong. He was going to need every bit of that strength very soon.
One summer night the alarm rang for a bad fire in a house on the edge of town. Dressing quickly, he drove to the station. Within just a few minutes, the first truck left the station with Moose on board.
It was a big fire. Flames were leaping out of the upstairs’ windows in the large two-story house.
Leaping from the truck, Moose called to a neighbor, “Is there anyone inside?”
“Yes, I think there is!” came the answer. “A family with three children lives there. The father works at night, so the mother and children are probably inside!”
Quickly yelling instructions to the other firemen, Moose smashed open the front door with his axe. Flames were everywhere! His mind raced—Is there anyone inside? Where’s the family?
For men, women, boys and girls, the time to be saved is right now! “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, do you realize the danger you are in? “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). If you were to die today, would you be prepared for eternity? No one likes to think about death, but it is real. For those who face death without having the Lord Jesus as their Savior, it will be terrifying! They will have to face God in their sins. But for those who know their sins are gone and all trace of sin is washed away by God’s Son, Jesus Christ, the thought of meeting God does not scare them. Being with their Savior takes away all fear of dying.
How does this happen, you ask? How can I know for sure that I am ready to meet God? The answer is simple—let Him save you! God is offering to save any who are willing to be saved. All you have to do is admit that, as a sinner, you cannot save yourself and believe that Jesus died for you. Don’t turn down God’s offer of free salvation. Just confess to Him that you are a sinner and accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
Moose ran up the burning staircase and burst into one bedroom. No one was in there! Then he raced into another bedroom, but no one was in there either! Was the house empty? Flames surrounded him in the hallway. He almost turned back, but then he heard something. He was sure it was a call for help from the other end of the hall. He raced through the flames and found the terrified mother with two children in her arms and her baby still sleeping in the crib.
“Follow me!” Moose ordered as he scooped up the sleeping baby. But the mother did not move—she was frozen with fear!
Moose acted quickly. He picked up the terror-stricken mother, threw her across his shoulders and told her to “hang on!” Then, taking the two older children, one in each arm, he tried to lift the sleeping baby. But there was no way he could hold all of them. Setting one child down, he grasped the clothes of the baby firmly with his teeth, again picked up the child, and started down the burning staircase. Just as he reached the outside door, the staircase collapsed behind him. He had gotten them all out just in time! Because of Moose’s quick-thinking bravery, the mother and her three children were saved from a terrible, fiery death!
This feat of saving this family on Moose’s part is a picture to us of the much greater sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. He died to save poor, helpless sinners from the everlasting torment of the lake of fire. Why? Because He loves us!
This world will soon be destroyed by the awful judgment of God against sin. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). He is the only hope of salvation, and He longs to save you. Will you let Him?
MEMORY VERSE: It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:27-28