September 21, 1988, was a day that many people in the small town of Truro, Nova Scotia, will not forget. That was the morning an unusual visitor came to town and caused some excitement. No, it wasn’t a famous person like the Queen of England or the Prime Minister of Canada who was the cause for all the attention. This visitor had dark brown hair, four long legs, weighed about 700 pounds, and was wearing a clothes pin above his left eye!
Nobody seemed to know where Morris the Moose had come from. But one thing we did know was that he had passed through someone’s backyard and tangled in their clothesline on his way into town. The clothes pin told us that much. Another thing we knew for sure . . . Morris was lost! There he stood in a parking lot, surrounded by cars and buildings, not knowing which way to turn. Morris was lost and frightened! As big and strong as he was, there was nothing he could do for himself. Morris was helpless.
You and I without Christ are also helpless. The Bible tells us that we are sinners - “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). As sinners away from God, we are lost. Morris could only stand there in the parking lot with a helpless look on his face. He needed someone to rescue him. And we need someone to rescue us too. God saw that we were helpless, trapped in our sins, and sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to rescue us. God must punish sin, so the Lord Jesus offered and willingly took the punishment for our sins on Calvary’s cross. If we each believe that He died for our very own sins, we are cleansed from every single one. It is His blood which was shed on the cross that protects us from the punishment we deserve for our sins.
Thankfully, for Morris, help was very near. One of the buildings beside the parking lot belonged to the Department of Natural Resources. Soon, conservation officers had shot Morris with a tranquilizer dart, and then they safely returned him to his woodland home.
What a happy ending to our story. And your life can be happy now and have a happy ending too, because you can be saved from your sins. The Lord Jesus is very near and waiting to save you right now. Don’t wait another minute to accept Him as your own Saviour. “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).