Most Northerly Post Office in Canada.

British Columbia. Dear Dr. Wreford, ―I thank you so much for the splendid parcels (3) of Testaments and Gospel Books. What these mean to the many dear people living far away will be fully known at the coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ. Will you please pray for the safe arrival of the Testaments and Tracts that I have posted to the most northern Post Office in Canada. It is a trading post named Aklavick, within the Arctic Circle, and has three mails yearly. You will see by the enclosed letter that your Testaments are reaching the boys and girls. Will you please remember in prayer the great need of Pass Island. Fifty children of school age-no Sunday School, no service-the people suffer much through the winter. Again I thank you. May all the parcels you send out produce an abundant harvest. Gratefully yours,