WHEN MR. JOHN, the postman, was sorting mail he noticed a verse printed on the back of an envelope: “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul.” Mark 8:36. He knew he was not saved and that if he died in his sins he would be lost forever.
About a week later he came across an envelope with another text on it, and this one read, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. He paused and looking earnestly at that verse, he said to himself, “Do I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? No, I don’t! Am I saved? No"; and his thoughts troubled him.
That same evening as he walked down the street he passed a building where a gospel service was going on, and he went in and sat down. What was his surprise to hear the preacher read from the Bible, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
The preacher took these words for his text and then went on to speak of God’s great love in giving Jesus His beloved Son to die on the cross for sinners. As Mr. John listened eagerly he saw clearly that Jesus had died for his sins. He received the message with joy and went home rejoicing in the knowledge that God had forgiven all his sins and that now he was saved and on the heavenly road.
“I have been a different man ever since,” he told others, “and I do thank whoever it was that put those verses on the envelopes.”
Dear young friend, God is as good as His word. Believe on the Lord Jesus now and you will be saved for time and eternity.