Mrs. Wang

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Far away in the interior of China a gospel hall had just been opened, and the wife of the missionary went out to invite some of the women to come and hear the wonderful message of God’s love to sinners. While going from house to house she came to the home of a rich Chinese family where she met many fine ladies. They all promised very courteously to come to the gospel meeting the next morning.
With great hopes the missionary went on. As she passed along the street she saw a poor woman with her little girl, sitting in the dust in front of one of the homes, and so she invited her to come too.
When the time came for the gospel meeting the next morning, not one of the fine ladies came, but the poor woman who was sitting in the dirt was there. Her name was Mrs. Wang. She listened very attentively to the message, and from then on she came to every meeting. Each day she visited the missionary’s home where she was taught to read. Before long she saw her great need as a sinner, and accepted the Lord Jesus as her own personal Saviour. This made a great change in her life and in her appearance too. She tried to keep her clothes clean and tidy, and her face, once hard and sad, now had a happy expression on it.
Mrs. Wang’s husband was not at all pleased that his wife had “eaten” the foreign doctrine, and he threatened to kill her if he saw her coming out of the Gospel Hall. However, she continued to come and trusted the Lord to protect her. One day, after prayer with her missionary friend, she started out through the little porch at the gate and there was her husband sitting at the roadside. She passed by without saying a word, and went on home. Some little time later her husband came home and asked her if she had been to the Gospel Hall that day. She was amazed and asked, “Did you not see me?” He had not seen her passing—the Lord had covered his eyes! He was so impressed that he did not try to hinder her from going to the meetings again, and even stopped persecuting her as he had been doing.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1.
ML 03/26/1950