Muriel's Faith

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The gentleman wiped away the tears that flowed down his cheeks, and turned to follow the little girl again. He followed until she was met, by Charlie who had been hunting for her, and before long she was clasped in her mother’s arms. She told her mother where she had been and what she had done with their last slice of bread. The poor sick mother wept, but did not scold her little girl.
“Don’t cry, Mother. God will send it, sure, because the preacher said he would.”
Soon Charlie opened the big Bible and began to read a chapter aloud to his mother arid sister. Just before he finished the chapter, there was a loud knock at the door. Charlie jumped up to answer it, and was just in time to see a man disappear around the corner of the alley. But there at the door was a large basket with a label tied to the handle. He bent down and read the message on the label. It read, “For Muriel Horn. Her bread from off the water.” Charlie shouted for joy and called Muriel to come and help him carry in the basket. There, before their mother’s shining eyes they lifted out a wonderful assortment of food, milk, bread, and even a fine plump chicken! And in the bottom of the basket was a letter addressed to “Charlie Horn.” Quickly he opened the envelope and found this message. “Master Charles Horn is hereby appointed messenger in the store of John Wilson & Co., at the salary of $5.00 a week. To begin at once.”
The family immediately bowed their knees and thanked God for hearing their prayers, and then had a grand supper before they went to bed for the night. Charlie was right on time for work the next morning and is still working there, although he is not a messenger boy any longer.
Dear children, God loves you and wants you to be happy. He has given the best gift of heaven, and offers you something worth more than the finest box of groceries in all the world. Will you take His gift and thank Him for it?
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
ML 06/18/1950