ABOUT eleven years ago, I was on the broad way that leadeth to destruction. Like most people who are going downward to eternal misery and woe, I was utterly unconcerned about my soul’s salvation. I scarcely ever thought of the future to which I was wending my way; if ever I did, Satan would whisper, “There is time enough for you to think of those things when you are older,” and for a while he was successful with his lie.
I had been taught to say my prayers, morning and evening, so that I thought it my duty to do so, though I could not have explained why. I well remember, on several occasions, when I knelt down to pray in the quiet of my own bedroom, after having indulged to a greater excess of worldliness than usual, hearing, as it were, a voice to my conscience, which made me feel uneasy and unhappy. But I heeded it not. Still God, in His long-suffering and mercy, bore with my indifference. The seeking Saviour never gives up searching for His lost sheep, and when He hath found it He layeth it on His shoulders rejoicing. Thus it was in my case; gently and long did He plead with my soul, pleading louder and sweeter until I said, “Blessed Saviour, come in.”
One of the ways in which the Saviour knocked loudly at my heart’s dark door was at the death of my little brother, which led me to think more seriously of the great future than ever I had done before. But Satan, who is ever ready to lull souls who are anxious, lest they should believe and be saved, succeeded in choking the good impression by the fascinating pleasures of sin. His success was only temporary, which you will see, as I proceed to relate the remarkable way by which the Lord brought me to Himself.
At the time of which I write, we were living in the town of B―. My father was then working in a machine shop in the city of C―, As he had obtained a situation for me there I had to leave the place where I was surrounded by relatives and friends, and go and settle down in that city among strangers.
This I hesitated to do; C—had very little attraction for me. However, I decided to go on the following Saturday. I had not been in the city many hours, before my father conducted me to an open-air meeting. Scarcely had we taken our stand to listen, when the little company commenced to sing a hymn, which began thus: ―
“I’ve left the land of death and sin,
The way which many travel in,
And if you ask my reason why,
I’m going to seek a Home on High.”
“My Beautiful Home! My Beautiful Home!
The land where the glorified ever shall roam,
Where all is peaceful, bright and fair,
My Home is there! My Home is there!”
The Spirit of the living God began to work within me. I thought to myself as I stood there “Oh! if I could only say from my heart that I was going to that Beautiful Home of which they are singing!” When the evangelist gave out the verse which reads thus:
“Say, sinner, will you go with me,
And seek that land of liberty?
Oh! do not stay, but tell me why
You will not seek that Home on High?”
I felt it was a question I longed to answer, but knew not how. I was under deep conviction for a fortnight, during which time the Holy Spirit revealed to me my wretched state as a guilty sinner, in the sight of a Holy God. My sins became such a burden, I sighed for deliverance; but pride of heart kept me from disclosing my state of soul to any human being. God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, had shone into my heart, and in that light my lost condition was made manifest. I saw myself as I had never done before, a sinner in my sins; my misery became too great to bear. I sought the quiet of my bedroom, and there I poured out my soul before God. I cried to Him for peace and deliverance; God heard and answered my prayer, for, then and there, “from my heart the burden rolled away. Happy day!”
And it has been a happy day ever since. It must be so, for “the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Prov. 4:18.) “Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.” (Prov. 3:17.) It is nearly eleven years since I started for that Beautiful Home, and by God’s grace I mean to go on and on till traveling days are done.
It may be, dear reader, that you have not started yet; then God grant that you may start now. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6.) Oh! embrace this opportunity, you may not have a better! “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor. 6:2.) J. M.