(Song of Solomon 2:16.)
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.”―2 Cor. 9:15.
JESUS, Lord, I lie before Thee,
Low in dust I worship Thee;
Brightness of God’s awful glory,
Thou canst stoop to worthless me;
And, ‘mid seraph songs on high,
Bend to catch my breathed sigh:
Jesus, Saviour, Thou art mine.
Son of God! Thy Father’s treasure,
He yet gives Thee all tame;
Angels vainly toil to measure
What I have in having Thee.
Grace so vast bewilders heaven,
God to me His Christ has given:
Jesus, Saviour, Thou art mine.
Let life’s hours of joy or sadness
Come and go as Thou shalt please;
Earthly grief or earthly gladness,
What have I to do with these?
Creature comforts all may flee,
Thou art, Lord, enough for me:
Jesus, Saviour, Thou art mine.
Soul more lost ne’er lay before Thee,
Guilt has never louder cried;
Just the more in Thee I’ll glory,
Who for one so vile hast died.
Kissed me, cleansed me, made me whole,
Wrapped Thy skirt around my soul:
Jesus, Saviour, Thou art mine.
Not in heaven alone I deem Thee,
Lord, I feel Thy presence nigh;
Yea, Thy Spirit dwells within me,
Joins in grace’s wondrous tie;
Joins us so that Thine is mine,
Joins us so that mine is Thine:
Jesus, Saviour, Thou art mine.
Lamb of God! I’m lost in wonder,
When I search Thy searchless love;
Praises meet I fain would render,
Fain would sing, like saints above.
There full hearts can only weep,
Drowned in mercy’s glorious deep:
Jesus, Saviour, Thou art mine.